Understanding Post-Menopausal Sexual Health

A mature woman with a joyful expression holding a pink daisy in front of one eye, symbolizing femininity, vitality and well-being during post-menopause.

Menopause marks a natural transition in a woman’s life, bringing with it a cascade of hormonal changes that can alter sexual health. As estrogen levels drop, many women notice a shift in their bodies; vaginal dryness becomes more common, libido might wane and intimacy can sometimes feel uncomfortable. Navigating this stage of life can seem…

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Understanding the Role of Progesterone in Fertility and Menstruation

Close-up of a woman holding a positive pregnancy test, reflecting the critical role of progesterone in pregnancy and menstrual health.

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries, placenta (during pregnancy) and adrenal glands. This natural steroid hormone affects and regulates many processes in the female body, including the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. The hormone also plays a protective role, keeping the uterus safe from the effects of other hormones. “Progesterone helps to protect the…

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Does the Thyroid Affect Your Hormone Levels?

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland that rests right at the front of your throat. This gland is responsible for everything from regulating metabolism and energy levels to maintaining reproductive hormone levels. Therefore, this one gland bears substantial responsibility in terms of everyday functioning, but it can also play a major part in hormonal…

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