When Functional Incontinence Makes You Feel Out of Control

While most people are aware of incontinence and know that it can be summed up as the involuntary loss of urine caused by bladder problems, many are unaware of a thing called functional incontinence. Functional incontinence is actually related to issues of getting to the bathroom when the need presents itself. For some women, it’s a factor of being physically unable to move quickly enough due to physical problems like Parkinson’s disease, MS, or musculoskeletal problems. For others, it may be the inability to communicate the need to use the restroom in time, as may be the case for individuals with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Still, others experience functional incontinence due to the use of certain medications which might inhibit their ability to recognize the need to use the bathroom in time.

Functional Dysfunction

To properly diagnose the issue and identify the cause, a physical exam, medical history, and tests will be necessary. At Coyle Institute, our team of women’s healthcare experts has treated women all throughout the region for functional incontinence, providing them with solutions that help them regain their confidence to enjoy life without worry.

As we work with our clients, we try to determine the exact cause and identify the best course of action to resolve the issue. Naturally, we are unable to treat issues that are related to mobility, but for women whose functional incontinence is caused by conditions including pelvic floor disorders or pelvic organ prolapse, we can provide treatment options that are safe, effective, and life-changing.

Take Control

Some of the most effective treatments for functional incontinence include:

  • Re-training the bladder by scheduling the amount of time between trips to the bathroom and focusing on contracting the pelvic muscles to make the urge to urinate go away in the times between.
  • Pelvic floor muscle exercises such as Kegels, which will strengthen the muscles supporting the bladder and help prevent leakage.
  • InterStim® therapy, which uses small neurotransmitters to send signals to the brain that will help control the urge to urinate.
  • Minimally invasive surgery to repair pelvic organ prolapse by repositioning the organs or reinforce weakened muscles.

At Coyle Institute, we use our years of expertise in women’s healthcare to provide the women in our care with advice on how to manage their condition and offer them the best treatment options for their specific needs. Being able to restore their quality of life is our greatest goal, and our team does everything in our power to ensure that we can make that goal a reality. For women suffering from such health issues including functional incontinence, we provide a complimentary consultation so that they feel comfortable putting their health in our hands and will discuss any concerns that they may have so that we can establish the level of trust that is so crucial in such sensitive matters.

Take control of your health! Consult with the caring women’s healthcare experts at Coyle Institute to learn more about the treatment options we provide for functional incontinence today!