Female Pelvic Medicine
Vaginismus When a woman experiences discomfort or vaginal pain that accompanies a muscle spasm or contraction in her vaginal muscles brought on by vaginal penetration of any kind, she is likely suffering from a condition known as vaginismus. Fortunately, there are vaginismus treatments such as Kegels exercise that are simple and can bring effective relief…
Read MoreGetting to Know More About the Pelvic Floor
If you’re a woman, you’ve probably heard that term many times in your adult life. And as you age, the words will only become more familiar. But even with the frequency of their use and the increasing focus that the topic gains in women’s healthcare, many people still have questions about what exactly the pelvic…
Read MoreParadoxical Puborectalis Contraction
Along with perineal descent, paradoxical puborectalis contraction is a form of functional constipation that is extremely challenging to diagnose and treat. After a physical examination and a thorough battery of diagnostic tests has been performed by a specialist such as a urogynecologist to rule out the existence of any actual anatomical disorders, patients who have…
Read MoreAnismus
If you’ve never heard of a condition called anismus, you’re in good company. It’s not something that anyone brings up in normal daily conversation, and it’s a topic that can be uncomfortable to discuss, even in the doctor’s office. So what is anismus? To put it into layman’s terms, anismus refers to a failure of…
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