A New Take on Life: Vaginal Rejuvenation Therapy

In recent years, a type of treatment called vaginal rejuvenation has gained increasing attention as a great option for revitalizing the sexual health of women whose sex life and self-confidence have taken a downturn. Unfortunately for so many of these once confident and vibrant women who felt a deep connection to their femininity, the loss of firmness and elasticity in the vaginal walls can lead to feelings of self-doubt in their ability to please their partners.

The Break Down

The break down of the tissues in the vaginal walls is a natural part of the aging process and even something that happens as a woman goes through certain stages of her life, whether that means childbirth or the approach of menopause. As strain or age puts stress on the strength and structure of the vaginal walls, they can become weaker, thinner, and even dryer. All of these can wreak havoc on a woman’s emotional health and may lead to a lack of desire for intercourse as things become more uncomfortable, less satisfying, and even potentially the cause of a reduction in self-confidence.

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Revitalization Plan

In an effort to effectively treat the issue with a non-invasive method of vagina tightening/vaginal tightening, vaginal rejuvenation or laser vaginal rejuvenation was developed. These unique, in-office treatments use specially designed instruments that utilize focused impulses of lasers to stimulate the tissues of the vagina. One of the best types of laser vaginal therapy available is diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy, which has been proven to cause vaginal rejuvenation through the use of hybrid fractional laser technology to resurface and strengthen the layers of the vaginal wall.

Once a urogynecologist has performed a female pelvic exam, he may then recommend that the diVa vaginal rejuvenation laser is used to tighten the vaginal walls. As the vaginal walls are tightened, the tightening causes an enhancement in sexual pleasure, restores tone to the vaginal tissue, and increases blood flow. An increase in the blood flow also increases lubrication and helps in strengthening the ligaments surrounding the bladder and urethra in their ability to support the pelvic organs, which can ultimately reduce the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence.

Rejuvenate your feelings of femininity! Schedule a consultation with the team of experts at Coyle today!