NovaSure. Questions Answered.

Millions of women around the world who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding don’t seek treatment. They may think that heavy bleeding, headaches, exhaustion and cramps are just something every woman has to endure. Or they may fear that their only option for relief is invasive surgery, such as a hysterectomy. 

Today there are other safe, fast and effective alternatives to surgery that don’t require surgery or a long recovery. In fact, you can be in an out of the doctor’s office in the time it takes for a typical appointment, then immediately return to your everyday activities. 

What is NovaSure?

NovaSure is a type of endometrial ablation that harnesses radiofrequency energy to remove the endometrial tissue without the need for surgery. Endometrial ablation removes the endometrium—the lining of the uterus—but leaves the uterus intact. It can be used to treat heavy periods and endometriosis. 

What Happens During the Procedure?

The urogynecologist will open the cervix slightly to insert a slender wand into the uterus. The wand implants a triangular-shaped netting, which expands to a custom size that fits the size and shape of each woman’s uterus. This netting accurately delivers radiofrequency energy to the outside layers of the uterine lining for just 90 seconds before it is pulled back by the wand and removed from the uterus. 

Why Might Someone Choose NovaSure Over Other Options?

NovaSure is a safe and hormone-free procedure that studies have shown to be effective in about 90 percent of patients. Unlike traditional surgery, the NovaSure procedure can be performed in the doctor’s office in as little as five minutes and requires little to no downtime, no hospitalization, no anesthesia, and no incisions.  

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Is the Procedure Painful?

Some women feel mild pain or experience such symptoms as nausea, vomiting or cramping. However, most patients can resume normal activities that same day or after a day of rest.  

How Long Does It Take to Fully Recover?

Patients can expect intermittent spotting or watery discharge in the days and weeks following the procedure. It may take up to three months for the uterus to heal internally and for the patient to resume her menstrual cycle. When the uterus has healed, the patient’s urogynecologist can assess the success and impact of the procedure and can predict what changes the patient can expect in her menstrual cycle.  

How Will NovaSure Affect My Fertility? Is It Used for Birth Control?

NovaSure uterine ablation greatly reduces the chances of pregnancy, but that does not mean women should stop using some other form of birth control. Pregnancy after ablation is dangerous and unlikely to be successful. Women should discuss birth control with their urogynecologist and decide what birth control methods will be most effective and most beneficial to her overall health following ablation.  

How Do I Know If I Might Benefit from NovaSure?

Heavy periods are the most common complaint leading to a discussion about uterine ablation. Many women also suffer the pain and stress of endometriosis. For many women, a heavy flow is more than just an inconvenience. It can affect their everyday lives, relationships and even their careers. The extreme blood loss can cause complications. Common complaints include: 

  • Heavy bleeding, outside the range of normal 
  • Exhaustion and nausea 
  • Painful cramping 
  • Headaches 
  • Missing work and social activities
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Loss of confidence 

Talk to your doctor about the severity and frequency of your menstrual flow and how it impacts your normal daily activities, such as work, sports and social life. If you have endometriosis, NovaSure may be an option for you. Together you can perform necessary tests and screenings and decide if NovaSure uterine ablation is the best option for you.  

Why Is the Coyle Institute My Best Choice for NovaSure Procedures?

Founder Dr. Michael Coyle has years of experience in treating patients who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding and offers such non-invasive options as NovaSure. For women suffering from the painful symptoms and heavy bleeding every month, NovaSure can offer hope that they might have a chance to return to a full, pain-free life without suffering the monthly ill effects of menstrual issues. 

No one should spend a quarter of their life putting up with easily treatable pain, inconvenience and stress. Contact the Coyle Institute today to set up a consultation and to put an end to disruptive menstrual symptoms that hold you back from achieving your best full and active life.