Lichen Sclerosus
Hello everybody, Dr. Coyle coming to you from the Coyle Institute here in Pensacola, Florida. And I know it's been a while since I put out a video and I apologize for that. But I've been working, I've been working really hard and been making some incredible strides on lichen sclerosis. And so that's what this video is actually all about.
This video is an update on an earlier video, lichen sclerosis a revolutionary new treatment by Dr. Coyle. And so, this is an update. So please, if you have not watched that video, make sure you watch that video so you can kind of get a historical background of lichen sclerosis in general, what we've been used to treat lichen sclerosis in the past, and what we've been doing here at Coyle Institute to treat lichen sclerosis.
That being said, I got some great, great news. One, I'm super excited about the buzz going on about lichen sclerosis. We are constantly getting contacted by you guys on a regular daily basis from really, from all over the world. We've been contacted from Denmark, from the UK, from Canada, from Ireland, obviously, from all over the United States. And so we're very, very excited about that. And that leads me to the reason why I really wanted to put out this video. As you guys know from my previous video, we started a research project over two years ago, and the research project entailed using a Profractional™ laser from Sciton, and then also, I developed a protocol that really involved getting a much more in-depth biopsy to where we can actually determine the depth of the disease that we're dealing with.
And then because of the characteristics of the pro-fractional laser from Sciton, we're able to customize that treatment per patient. And so since then, the original research project basically was a series of treatments done one month apart and it was a total of three treatments. So we would do one treatment and then you'd have to come back in a month to have another treatment and then come back in a month for a third treatment.
Well, I started to research and to look around and see what else things have been going on with lichen sclerosis. And I actually have changed my protocol, some of which are very, very exciting and the most important thing about that's exciting is that I have been able to drop the treatment down from a series of three treatments down to one treatment. And so here lately, we have been doing just one treatment with my new protocol. And the results have been unbelievable. The patients are all extremely happy. They have come back after one month and with 100% improvement in their symptoms.
People have said things to me like I have all new tissue down there. I have all new skin. I've gotten my life back. I have no symptoms at all, no burning, no itching, no tearing, no bleeding. I'm able to have relations again.
These are the things that I'm hearing after just one treatment using my new protocol. And so what I wanted to do with this video is to really kind of get it out to everyone. So to learn that I have developed this original protocol. And now we have modified that to a new protocol, with this new protocol, we're able to actually treat you with one treatment. And so I specifically started looking at this for the patients that are contacting us from out of the country.
Patients that are contacting us for out of country obviously, it's not feasible for these people to come once a month. And so I was like, "What can I do? What is something that I can do to have the same results that we've been having with my original protocol? But something that we can do that's more efficient and effective for patients that are traveling to come here?"
And so now what we have with this new protocol in place, I wanted to get it out there to the world that if you are traveling to come and see us to have this treatment done, then what we recommend is to plan on spending three days in Pensacola. You'll come in either on a Monday or Wednesday and basically be seen for an initial visit and exam and biopsy. And then we have a 24-hour turnaround of the biopsy. And then you'll come back. Say you come in on Monday. We see you, we evaluate you, we do a complete physical exam and we do a biopsy if needed, the biopsy then gets sent to our special pathologist that is giving us these in-depth biopsy results. And then when we get those results back, which is a 24-hour turnaround, we then get you back in the office for the actual treatment.
And then you come in on Monday, you come back on Wednesday for the actual treatment, and then you're good to go back to wherever you came from. Now, of course, I mean, I would love to see you guys come back and see me and things like that. But ultimately, my plan, my dream, my passion is to restore your life, to restore your quality of life, to restore your anatomy and to improve everything about your quality of life that currently because of your lichen sclerosis, is really being destroyed.
And so we have a new protocol now, I wanted to get it out there and just say, "Hey, listen, if you have lichen sclerosis, if you've been diagnosed with lichen sclerosis in the past," say you've had a biopsy in the past, unfortunately, the rest of the country is not where we are, when it comes to biopsying for lichen sclerosis. And so, if you have been biopsied in the past and they say yes, you have lichen sclerosis, or your doctor looks at you and say, "You know what? You have lichen sclerosis. Let's treat you with steroids. Let's do whatever." Well, in that case, I would recommend contact us, give us a call, send us, you know, your information. And let's plan on a three-day Pensacola trip. You come in Monday, be treated on Wednesday, come in on Wednesday, be treated on Friday. So I hope this helps. I am super excited about this. Currently right now once again, I'm putting together just like I did for my original research project, we got that published. And currently right now, hopefully, we'll be getting this newer data published, And then get it out there and then kind of go From there, but ultimately, once again, here at Coyle Institute We're making strides, we're doing some groundbreaking stuff and we're so excited about this. And so if you have lichen sclerosis, please do not suffer. Call us. Get in here. Let us take care of you. I hope this helps. You guys have a wonderful night and I'll talk to you later. Thanks.
Study Done by Dr. Michael Coyle:
This patient drove 500 miles to Coyle Institute as a referral from her GYN. She has had severe Lichen Sclerosus for over 7 years and has been using clobetasol steroid cream for over 7 years. Her before picture shows almost a complete closure of her vaginal opening. Her vaginal opening was only the size of a pencil eraser. The black spot is her biopsy site. She was seen on Monday and we did the biopsy. She was then taken to the operating room on Tuesday to separate all of her adhesions and had the TULIP® (patent pending) on Wednesday. When she came in for her 3 month visit she was not having any symptoms of Lichen Sclerous. She started having intercourse with her husband that she has not had in over 7 years. In addition, she is a diabetic. The entire time she was on the steroid cream she was unable to get her Hemoglobin A1C under 7. Since the TULIP® (patent pending) she has been off her steroids, has had to decrease her insulin and she was so happy to report that her Hemoglobin A1C was 6.5. She was extremely happy and thank us for restoring her life.
Before & After
Before & After
Before & After
Patient traveled to Coyle Institute secondary to history of Lichen Sclerosus. While in the office she also reported that she suffered from anal fissures for many years. She underwent the TULIP® (patent pending) for her Lichens and at the same time we treated her anal fissures. She reported at her 3 month visit extremely happy. She was not having any symptoms of LS or anal fissures. On the pictures it is easy to see that her anal fissures completely resolved, in addition, if you look at the perineal skin (the skin between the vaginal opening and the anus) her Lichens is also completely resolved.
Call us today at 850-637-8258 to schedule your TULIP® procedure.