Does Colon Hydrotherapy Support Gut Health?

For many patients, colon hydrotherapy is an excellent course toward promoting a healthier gut. It must first be understood that colon hydrotherapy is not a treatment for gut issues; rather, it is a safe and beneficial process of colon cleansing that removes unnecessary buildup and waste. The most obvious goal of colon hydrotherapy is to encourage better colon function and waste elimination. However, it also influences total body health by helping to resolve acne, reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep, reverse food allergies and support immune function. Since colon hydrotherapy supports a thriving gut flora and the body’s natural detoxification processes, it is an outstanding way to support gut health.

Anatomy of a Healthy Gut

The gut is incredibly complex, with demonstrated links between gut health and the immune system, skin conditions, cancer, endocrine disorders, autoimmune diseases and mental health. This is because the colon is the last stop before consumed food is eliminated from the body as waste, meaning it plays a vital role in not only the digestive process but also in absorbing essential nutrients and creating vitamins from the foods that support good health. A healthy gut should house about 300 to 500 different species of bacteria in the digestive tract comprising a person’s gut microbiome. Environmental factors such as high stress, sleep deprivation, eating processed and sugar-laden foods and taking antibiotics can damage the gut microbiome. A person may have an unhealthy gut if they experience stomach upset, unintentional weight fluctuations, constant fatigue, skin irritation, autoimmune conditions and food intolerances. To help support the gut health of our patients, we are pleased to offer colon hydrotherapy.

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How Does Colon Hydrotherapy Support a Healthy Gut?

By gently hydrating the gut, colon hydrotherapy promotes the loosening and elimination of waste matter from the colon. It works by introducing warm water into the colon to gently stimulate its natural peristaltic action to release softened waste. The inflow of a small amount of water and the release of water may be repeated several times. Many patients report feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and re-energized after colon hydrotherapy. Since a healthy gut supports energy, mood and total body health, it is easy to understand why colon hydrotherapy is a popular therapy for overall wellness.

Colon Hydrotherapy versus Enemas

Colon hydrotherapy and enemas are distinctly different. To understand their differences, it is important to consider the basic anatomy of the colon. Enemas work well to clean out the sigmoid and rectal areas of the colon, which extend to about twelve inches. A series of colon hydrotherapy treatments can clean out and remove impacted material from the entire colon, which is approximately five feet long. Additionally, colon hydrotherapy promotes peristalsis and helps the colon muscles regain tone. This facilitates the return of regular bowel movements to patients affected by constipation.

Is Colon Hydrotherapy Right for Me?

Colon hydrotherapy can be extremely beneficial for men and women who do not have contraindications that would make the treatment unsafe. For a complete list of contraindications, click here. If you believe your gut health needs support, colon hydrotherapy could lead to an increased quality of life. Keep in mind that your medical history is assessed and any potential risks explained during the initial consultation. At Coyle Institute, your safety is always our top priority, and we would never recommend a treatment or procedure that would not be a good fit for your unique health situation. To learn more about colon hydrotherapy and determine if you are a good candidate, call our office at 850.637.8258.

View Dr. Coyle’s Colon Hydrotherapy Interview in Natural Awakenings Northwest Florida

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