Novasilk®: A New Source of Support

For women suffering from pelvic organ prolapse, the pain and embarrassment of their condition can seem overwhelming, but treatments are available to return them to a pain free life and give them a renewed sense of vitality. At Coyle Institute, Dr. Michael Coyle and his knowledgeable staff have a reputation for their expertise in treating women with urogynecological issues of all kinds, including endometriosis, urinary incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse, providing the best care and offering solutions that will restore them to a healthier, happier life.

Real Results

As a urogynecologist, Dr. Coyle has become an area leader in his field, utilizing the latest technological advancements and performing procedures that are safer and more effective in providing lasting results to become one of the nation’s pre-eminent authorities on various types of minimally invasive surgery such as daVinci® surgery and laparoscopic surgery. For many patients suffering from pelvic organ prolapse, Dr. Coyle has come to rely on the proven efficacy of such procedures as sacrocolpopexy to correct the anatomical position of prolapsed pelvic organs and provide physical support of these organs using Novasilk®, a type of medical mesh made of polypropylene, which is grafted onto the tissues of the pelvic floor.

As a synthetic material used in alternative to a patient’s own tissue, Novasilk® offers the benefit of requiring only one surgical site, which ultimately means less recovery time post-surgery. As the body heals, the Novasilk® graft is incorporated by the body to become a part of natural tissue, securing it in place so that organs are given proper support and lessening the risk of displacement or migration into other organs in the pelvic region.

Sure Support

At Coyle Institute, patients are given the added assurance that, when they come to us seeking care, their cases are being handled with the greatest dedication and that they are being offered the safest, most proven methods of treatment available. Their concerns are important, and their health is our number one priority. Maintaining that standard is one of the greatest reasons that Coyle Institute has become such a trusted name, and by offering patients solutions such as Novasilk, our commitment to quality care and real results is reflected in each of the women we treat.

Women suffering from pelvic organ prolapse experience such symptoms as:

As we diagnosis their condition and decide on the best solutions, we consider all courses of action so that they are truly comfortable in taking the next steps. We want them to feel sure that our advice is the best advice and know that our goal is to restore them to health as fully and quickly as possible. For any patient needing surgical intervention to effectively treat their condition, we offer our expertise in performing the most minimally invasive procedures available; and by using such technologically advanced methods of surgery to implant Novasilk, the women in our care will see greater results with less pain, less recovery time, and less scarring than traditional surgery.

Your dreams of living a full and healthy life should be well-supported! Give Coyle Institute a call today and let our team become your team!